Snow White and the Seven Cats.

Apparently it’s autobiography week here at Enchanting Cats! This one is dedicated to my husband, Todd- who is just as irresponsible as I am when it comes to wanting all the cats. This is a man who didn’t wait for me to finish my story about the homeless man with the kitten before nodding in agreement that we definitely needed the kitten (loosely, this is how we ended up with Cloud– though he is sadly no longer with us). Todd needs no explanation when it comes to cats- his compassion for them is boundless. I think the only reason we don’t have a totally bonkers number of cats is because Queen Sephiroth would not allow it. I feel very lucky to have found  someone that shares my particular brand of neurosis, though I think some would argue it might be better if one of us had a level of self-control you would expect from an adult person. But I say, don’t rain on my purrade! We live quite hapurrly this way!