If you haven’t yet met the sea serpent cat

She must seem a monstrous danger

But beneath the facade

That at first seems so odd

You’ll find the truth wonderfully stranger


It’s easy to forget how much of the ocean remains uncharted by humans. We think we own the world, but the ocean takes up most of the space on this planet and we can’t even breathe under there!  Exploring the ocean is really hard since we have this troubling dependency on air for survival. Undoubtedly, our oceans house many secrets. Could one of them be a giant pink sea monster cat beast? Not likely, but it’s not impossible! The fact that we have giant mammals living in the sea is wonderfully bizarre. The beyond ancient ancestors of whales were once land mammals that for whatever reason returned to the sea, transforming over generations into the largest animals ever recorded. Is this strange beast any stranger than a whale, really? I mean, whales are super weird!!

With people as well as sea creatures, many seem strange and scary at first simply because they are unfamiliar. But when you get to know someone you might realize all the conclusions you jumped to initially were very silly. And if you are lucky enough to really, REALLY get to know someone, you might realize that deep down they are truly, incredibly bizarre in ways that you never imagined.