Scottish Folding Cat is bad at poker / but great at laundry!

My cats think they are great at laundry. Sephiroth, who we also sometimes call Princess Bitey, will stake her claim right in the middle of the pile and angrily defend any garment that I try to take from her, grabbing at it with her claws and giving me a look of shock and contempt. I guess she forgets every time that this is how laundry works. Ritsuka is not so defensive of the laundry, but will immediately seek out the clean bath towels and dish towels and rub himself all over them. Ahhh no!!!

Scottish folds are all descended from a single cat with a mutation that makes the ears look folded over. Not all Scottish folds exhibit the folded ears; when bred responsibly you will get folded ears about half the time. The “straights” have small triangular ears and are still very cute! Just look at Maru!