Persian Ivy prefers plants to people

People aren’t as pretty and are just as toxic.


Watch out, Batcat! Persian Ivy is going to come after you with a Tiger Lily,  exposure to which might cause kidney failure! A pretty lily might seem a silly foil for our caped kitty, but actually it could put him in real danger!

There are actually a lot of plants that are toxic to cats. If you let your cat explore outside or have plants in your home, please check to make sure the plants they are coming into contact with are not harmful to them. The internet makes it really easy to check these things, so if you are not sure if your plants are toxic to your pets, just check!!

Persian cats are a very popular, very beautiful, breed and there are two varieties: the traditional doll-faced Persian, and the flat-nosed ultra-typed Persian. Like with so many other animals, the ones bred to have a more extreme look can also have more health issues. Personally, I prefer the look of the traditional Persian- a bias probably rooted in the fact that my cousin had a beautiful white doll-faced Persian when I was growing up. I had a Siamese cat (traditional variety- now called a Thai cat) at the same time, and my cousin and I wanted very much for our cats to make cute little fluffy Himalayan babies! It was not to be, though, as my kitty was promptly neutered. I saw the wisdom in this, even as a child, but I still think they would have been the most irresistible little kittens.