Mechanicat has several coping mechanisms, all of which are currently in need of serious repair.

Sometimes the things we do to feel better only make things worse, or simply just aren’t enough.

As I write this, I have a pounding headache that maybe is a migraine, except I haven’t had the weird numbing/tingling sensations that seem to go with them. A medical professional described these headaches as ” a typical atypical migraine.” I’ve struggled with headaches for a very long time, though most of them not the crippling migraine type as much as the more bearable stress-induced tension type. When I am feeling anxious, instead of doing something useful to help me deal with the situation at hand, my brain gives me shooting, throbbing pain as if to say “stop being a person and simply go to sleep, sleep is where these problems don’t exist! To help you along, I will now make it difficult for you to do anything BUT sleep!” Thanks, brain! That’s very helpful!