About Enchanting Cats

enchantingcats.com is a website featuring drawings with words on them. These drawings are probably always of cats! The words are intended to be amusing when paired with the cats, which often have fantastical physical attributes and/or magical abilities!

About Me

My name is Kirsti and I am a human being with interests. Some of those interests are writing, drawing, and cats! It is my dream to create comics that other people find funny, poignant, beautiful, and thought provoking. Instead, I make this!
If you would like to contact me, you can!

My email address is [email protected]

About Making Things

If you happen to be another human being interested in drawing, writing, or anything else that means making something that wasn’t there before, I really hope you make that thing! There is no one stopping you! It doesn’t even matter how bad you are! I say this because making things is hard, and humans are social creatures that need encouragement from other humans in order to do hard things. No one is immune to this horrible need!! Only cats, who do exactly whatever they want all day long, and don’t give two farts about what anyone thinks of them. Truly an inspiration!