The New Cat- One Day at a Time
Lately I’ve been having problems with my cats getting along. At the end of last year we took in a feral cat, Shisa. I spent a lot of time with her, isolated in a quiet room of the house talking nice to her until finally Stockholm Syndrome kicked in and she became a nice kitty who loves us. She’s been roaming freely in the house for months, but all of the sudden Queen Sephi doesn’t want her there anymore and has become a playground bully, hunting her throughout the house, getting in her way, and generally being a huge jerk. Tensions have been high and the hissing frequent. I try to tell Sephi that Shisa didn’t have a home and that she’s been through a lot and needs our help, but for some reason Sephi doesn’t respond to these arguments. What she has responded to is the recent heat wave that made it too hot in the house to stay angry or even slightly awake. Even now that the weather is nicer, she seems a lot more calm. Maybe she’s forgotten whatever it was she was so mad about. Can you lady cats just be friends already?