Team Rockitty
Looks like Team Rockitty’s slacking off again.
Just when I thought I was losing all interest in playing Pokemon Go, they go and release more monsters and make it kind of fun again. I remember liking Jessie, James, and Meowth in the Pokemon anime, but now I have a hard time remembering what their deal was. If my memory serves, they would show up with an outrageous show of fanfare before shortly thereafter literally blasting off into the background, accomplishing absolutely nothing in-between. They were like so many other ineffectual, idiotic cartoon villains of my childhood who would stand around cackling and explaining their short-sighted plans to anyone who would listen to them, and would inevitably run away when met with any kind of conflict. Cowardly, dumb, and spouting catch phrases- this is how evil is supposed to be!
I feel like I’ve been drawing a lot of sleeping cats lately, but that’s pretty much all cats do! Only when I am deathly ill am I able to almost match the amount of hours that they put into doing absolutely nothing!